Thursday, January 3, 2013

Let's start the Show!

As the calendar turns the page to 2013, we get to look back and see all the great work we got to do in 2012. We had our regular yearly venues, like the Diabetes research Carnival for a Cure, the Autism Speaks walk, etc. Then we got to do new events like doing the ACS Bark for Life walk as Circus Bicuspid in know we are doing that one again!  We are grateful for all the work we had and look forward to doing more in the year to come. We also all agreed that we want to perrform more in general..... So we brainstormed and came up with a great idea. We have started to reach out to organizations like synagogues, churches, and community groups to offer our show as a fundraiser for them. Here's how it works.
We bring the show to your venue and you sell the tickets for whatever price you'd like and however you'd like. We keep a small percentage of the price for each ticket and the rest goes to your organization.....great show, great fundraiser. Our hope is to keep this very easy for the organizations. All we need is a plug and a stage and we are ready to make any audience laugh and cheer.

The first mailings should go out by the end of the month introducing ourselves and the offer and as the shows start....we will post them and share them with the blogosphere.

Happy New Year and keep 'em clean

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