Monday, June 20, 2011

Brookdale Hospital Health Fair a Hit....

What a great weekend. Saturday was spent at the annual Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center's Health and Wellness Fair. The whole hospital turned out in front on Rockaway Parkway in Brooklyn to meet staff, get health related screenings and see what local vendors had to offer. As always they had a bounce house for the kids and this year the DMM Foundation team brought our brand new ToothZone-GolfZone! 6 holes of mini golf for the kids to play and play they did. Along with the play came questions about teeth and  practicing good oral health care. We all had lots of fun.....
And as an added  bit of good news, for those who have been following the history of the Foundation, the Magic Van made it there and back this year. No breakdowns to report!
That's it for now....keep 'em clean

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

WOW what a great day-Walk for Autism

The team went to clown at the annual Walk for Autism Speaks Sunday morning and what a cool event. First, the weather was perfect, the attendance was the best ever and we had a blast. Clowning with the crowd was not to be beat. The music was great and we danced with families and their kids. Phineas and I juggled and everyone Pupperdoodle went near got a sticker. The enthusiasm of these families to support their kids was energizing.

Next it was on to nephew's BarMitzvah where Phineas was asked to perform his street act. He juggled the egg, bowling ball and rat trap! The egg made it without a scratch. Next he did his knife juggling routine that won him first prize on the boardwalk at Coney Island last Summer. The kids loved it.....
A great day for our troupe......
Until next post....Keep 'em clean