Monday, November 19, 2012

Giving Thanks this year

Well its been a rough few weeks here in the NY Tristate area. With Sandy's destruction and slow recovery we are seeing a lot of grief and sorrow out there in our communities. We've decided that it wouldn't be right (nor enjoyable) to sit down to a big gluttonous meal this Thursday, so Circus Bicuspid has decided to give thanks differently this year and give back. We will be going to a local food pantry/shelter in our area and helping to set up, serve food, and yes clowning for the crowds. That's people of ALL ages.
We also have the honor of being registered Red Nose Responders ( and are well prepared to be going to work in this post disaster venue to help those who lost more than we could even begin to understand, some were our neighbors, some friends, and some patients of mine. I can rebuild my office and practice, but to loose your home and all that comes with it, is a devastation. A few smiles will be a welcome break, and that's the motto, "Bringing smiles to the rescue".
Then its off to Clown Rounds on Friday, that hospital turkey dinner must taste like rubber! In fact I think I left one of our rubber chickens there last time and that's what they used as the main course....

I'd like to take a moment to wish everyone, a happy and above all else healthy Thanksgiving.

Keep 'em clean

Saturday, November 10, 2012


WHAT A HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE....I need to share this with all my readers and clown friends.
After many years of going to the Clown Jamboree in Mystic CT we were looking for a new venue to perform, compete, and hopefully find more friends in the clown business so we tried the MID ATLANTIC CLOWN ASSOCIATION convention.  The Kitchen Goddess spent time on the phone with the folks at the MACA about registration and the competitions. We were told that we needed to join the organization to be able to compete at the convention. This, the schedule and ALL of the details were worked out by various board members over the phone. We informed them NUMEROUS times that we would be arriving late Thursday night from NY and wouldn't check in until after 9PM.
We arrived that night and everyone was happy that we made it and we talked with a number of board members about looking forward to competing the next day in the single and multiple skit competitions. Everyone was happy to hear it and said nothing about sign up.
The next morning we showed up ready to enter and the board member giving out numbers told us that we couldn't compete as the sign in sheet was done last night at 6PM! After arguing the point that we traveled from NYC to be here and the people who did the registration with us, with whom we had spoken many times, and we were NOT told about any 6PM deadline. We came to compete and even joined the MACA just to be able to perform. The president got involved and made an overriding decision to allow us to compete.
I guess they didn't know about our skill level and ability to perform a skit. Phineas did a routine that spoofed a torn and restored newspaper that had the room laughing out loud. We all performed our TV gag for the multiple skit and received a great audience response.
It seems the board was not as happy as the about 12 midnight we received a call from the president that they had to call an  emergency board meeting to discuss our competing and "we weren't going to be happy with the outcome."
Phineas and I entered the board meeting and after presenting our case we clearly saw that the board had overridden the president and reversed his decision to allow us to compete...WHAT ARE THEY KIDDING? We spend a month on the phone back and forth joining the organization, setting up our convention registration, paying for the hotel, driving down there to compete, they decide to allow it and then reverse it and disqualify us after we performed. WHAT A POOR EXCUSE FOR A CLOWN ORGANIZATION. Never in any of the conversations, and there were many, with multiple board members, were we told of a 6PM deadline, then to allow us, then back out, who gives this group the right to abuse us that way. We spent time going over all the rules of competition before we arrived and after this happened, and NOWHERE IS A 6PM DEADLINE MENTIONED, not written or on the web. If its not written in the rules, and not told to registrants then how is anyone new supposed to know? This is how they treat new members? Members who are junior joeys? Where do they think the next generation comes from!
I stated my case then explained that what they did to my family was inappropriate, unprofessional, and even embarrassing for them. As they sat there, half of this board shook their lowered heads and the other half sat with self righteous smirks on their faces.
I informed the president that I was taking my family and leaving the convention and I would certainly share this story with all of my many colleagues both amateur and professionals. We checked out this morning and skipped the rest of the convention.
My favorite part was, as we were leaving, the members of the board wouldn't even raise their eyes to face us, or acknowledge us. Those that were so friendly the day before now were embarrassed for what they had done to my family and me. So we left, our $1000 investment in a new clown convention wasted. We were told that we would get a refund for our $40 membership fees paid which is good as I would never consider staying a member of MACA, or ever having anything to do with their conventions.
Basically clown organizations are supposed to support camaraderie and community and be a place for positive growth for performers in the art of far as my family and I are concerned,THE MACA IS NOT !
Anyway...its done, we are home and the props are unpacked and we need to get ready for a show at Ronald McDonald house as part of the Society of American Magician's Magic Week this week that had to be  rescheduled due to Hurricaine Sandy...until next post,
Keep 'em clean

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Big Apple Circus Here we Come! VOTE NOW

Hi everyone....We've been really busy performing and writing new material. Pupperdoodle is working out a new hoop routine with her new coach, Phineas is putting together his latest juggling routine, and I'm putting final touches on our first Grand Illusion!
Phineas and I recently performed for the Parent Assembly of the Society of American Magician's Gravesite restoration committee at the MAGIC SHOP out in Levittown, NY ( and the show helped raise $400. This money will be used to repair and restore the graves of many magicians whose final resting place is right here in NY on Long Island and in northern NJ. Kudos to MI Richie Magic and The Great Throwdini for their effort on this project.
If you follow Phineas and me on Twitter you'll see his certification that he set a world record for juggling clubs while on a pogo stick...very cool stuff.
Now for the big news...Phineas has entered the Contest from the BIG APPLE CIRCUS to be their Young Legend Guest Ringmaster this November at Lincoln Center in NY. Please use the link below to go to their Facebook page and VOTE!
He's gotten more that 200 votes so far and as of this writing he is in the lead but we need your help to win please vote and put the info on your Facebook pages as well.
And lastly, Magic Week is upon us, October 25th-31st! Circus Bicuspid will be performing at the Ronald McDonald House in NYC on Monday evening October 29th and we are excited about it because its one of our favorite shows to do.
Thanks for tuning in.....keep 'em clean

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Phineas and I flew to Dallas TX to be a part of Guiness and Ringling Brothers history. Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus hosted the Biggest Pie Fight on Earth! The old record was 684 people and we beat it with 714 people having a pie fight for one minute straight. It was to usher in this year's International Clown Week.  (find out more We found out about it online and then found out that it was also to raise funds to support two great clown programs in the Dallas area. One of them was the Funnyatric Clown Care Unit. Three clowns in this group are special to us, Tiffany and Dick Monday, the founders of the NY Goofs (that's where I went to clown school) and Eric Binkowski who was a classmate of mine in year one of clown school. So it was great to see them and help their programs.
We also got to hang around with the clowns from the Fully Charged Show's Clown alley. They even honored us by throwing an extra pie at Phineas to recognize his coming all the way from NY for this event.
We got an interview from a local radio station, and have shown up on a number of Dallas local events web sites.
What a great and fast trip. Arrived in Dallas at 2AM Tuesday morning and got back home at 1AM Thursday. Boy that was a whirlwind tour of Dallas. I want to thank the Ringling Brothers Circus for this event. I know its just another brilliant PR event for them but those of us who were in the pie throwing battle zone had an incredible time.

check out some of these links to the photos online of us and the rest of the event.

Here is the link to a youtube video of the event!

so when life gets tooooo away to the circus and have a pie thrown in your face!!!!

keep 'em clean

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

103rd Salute to Magic a rousing success!!

Congratulations to Richie Magic, The Great Throwdini and their production team on a wonderfully fun, magical, comedy filled evening.
The Society of American Magician's Parent Assembly #1's, annual Salute to Magic happened last night at Theater 80 on St. Mark's Place in NYC and the show was great. Illusions, comedy, incredible magic, and the presentation to my friend and mentor Victor Sendax the award for Magician of The Year for his contribution to the PA#1 and magic over the years. Bravo Victor!
Richie Magic, the Assembly's President Elect with our Treasurer The Great Throwdini produced the show late in the game this year and managed to pull together a well rounded fast paced evening of entertainment that left the with sore hands from all the clapping....Here is the line up: MC Todd Robbins of Coney Island Side show fame (I am a huge fan of this guy), The cutting edge magic, manipulation and dove work by Elliot Zimit, The Great Throwdini amazed the room with skill and precision (and the double veiled wheel of death was a spine tingler!), Ventriloquist John Pizzi kept the laughs coming from his gallery of puppet characters, and finally the very entertaining Lyn Dillies who performed Grand Illusion that had everyone in awe. And the applause continued. The final curtain call included the SYM (Society of Young Magicians) members who performed close up magic for the audience during intermission...very talented kids. I'm going to say it again...every act was perfect, we were a lucky audience....
After the show Phineas and I asked Richie Magic to introduce us to Todd Robbins. As I said earlier we are both big fans of his work over the years and it was cool to meet him and thank him.
A great evening of Magical theater put together by some of my favorite people in the business....Thanks!
keep 'em clean.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bark for Life a rousing success....

What a great turnout for the 2012 American Cancer Society Bark for Life Dog walk at Riverside Park in NYC. Phineas, Pupperdoodle and I walked behind Four Paw and he did GREAT! He walked all morning and for a puppy with such short legs he was a trooper. Showing up in full clown was lots of fun and generated lots of looks and photo opps for everyone. What's better than a picture of your dog with our family of clowns. We were interviewed by a few reporters including a video interview for NY1 News, so keep your eyes peeled for all the media ( I hope it doesn't all end up on the cutting room floor).
Now remember what's behind all of CIRCUS BICUSPID raised $264 in donations and some additional on site donations for the American Cancer Society! We are very proud of our puppy and all the good work he is doing....he's a star. I posted some photos on Twitter during the walk and I'll post some photos here when we get them all together. So check back soon...subscribe to the blog...experience the blog......heck even buy advertising on the blog!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Busy busy busy....

Well I haven't posted in a few weeks just because we have been very busy with work and performing...its great. This past Sunday I performed the Dr. Molar Magic Show for the  in Brooklyn. Just a few blocks from Coney Island which means.....Nathan's Hot Dogs and Fries for lunch! Score.
The show was a hit, in spite of a few AV issues at the start, and the audience laughed and clapped throughout. Nothing gives me more pleasure when I walk out in front of the audience and a bunch of kids yell, " look its the clown", someday maybe I'll come into my office and all the patients in the waiting room will yell," hey look its the dentist!"....maybe not.

This Sunday we are off the Margaret Tietz Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Queens to perform at their family day, when all the grand kids come to visit. Phineas and I will be juggling, doing walk around magic and will be in charged of general stupidity and Pupperdoodle will have her temporary and glitter tattoo booth set up. It promises to be lots of fun

Phineas and I have enrolled in the NY Downtown Clown's Slapstick DOJO again, so now for the next 5 weeks on Wednesday night we will review how to slap each other silly and fall all over ourselves safely while the audience laughs their heads off......great fun, BYOM (that's bring your own Motrin for us over 40 clowns)

Any for all Magic Fans out there, the Parent Assembly of the Society of American Magician's Annual Salute to Magic Show will be Tuesday night May 21st. If you're interested, check out the website, for ticket and show info. this year they are honoring my friend and Mentor Dr. Vic Sendax as Magician of the Year, I'm really looking forward to the show.

Keep 'em clean.....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hoopin' it up on 14th street

Last night I took Pupperdoodle into the city to go to Groove Hoops. My friend from NY Goofs clown college Stephan runs a weekly drop in class at the 14th Street Y with his performance hoop troupe. She had a blast and learned some cool new moves including a great maneuver where you jump through the hoop as you are spinning it across your body, looks awesome. I'm sure that one gets into her new routines.
Before class we walked around the area which is full of thrift and vintage clothes stores. Phineas found some good costume pieces for some new tings he has been working on.

We've started the fundraising for the annual American Cancer Society's Bark For Life Dog Walk.
Team CIRCUS BICUSPID led by Otto "Four Paw" will walk this year on May 6th at Riverside Park.
We sent out a mass email to start getting donations. We are looking for lots of small donations to show that even small contributions can easily add up. Check out our team page and please consider a small donation.

Keep'em clean

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What a blast.......Circus Bicuspid Back for Seconds

The show was great! Phineas Pupperdoodle and I had soooo much fun on stage. The audience had a great time and there were many laughs and happily lots of applause. And now for one of my favorite parts......the passing routine was perfect!!! I didn't drop a single club. Thanks to the Producer's Club for the great service being very accommodating to us. Taking a small theatrical circus to an off Broadway theater is a lot of work but at the same time a big thrill. I also want to thank all our supporters who came out to see the show. The Kitchen Goddess took some great video and the Great Throwdini took lots and lots of photos. I'm working on editing everything to put up for the world to see on our web site so check out the blog and twitter for the updates.
So now that our circus is over we are headed to see Ringling Brothers Dragons at the Nassau Coliseum tomorrow night.
BTW Phineas had a great show at Dixon Place on Monday at the NY Downtown Revue.....
 Watch for the videos....keep 'em clean!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Another great Sunday and next week is almost here!

This past Sunday we had a great time performing at the annual Diabetes Research Institute's Carnival for A Cure at the Metropolitan Pavilion in NYC. Phineas and I spent the day juggling and clowning with all the folks who came to play the games and eat the food at this incredible fund raising event.
Honestly since we've been rehearsing for our show I've gotten much better with the club passing so we did a lot of passing at the carnival and we looked goooood. (I'm very proud of myself for learning this skill)
Next week is going to be a busy one. Monday Phineas performs at the NY Downtown Clown Revue at Dixon Place , Wednesday is CIRCUS BICUSPID BACK FOR SECONDS and next Friday we have tickets to Ringling Brothers Dragons at the Nassau Coliseum....we love the circus, ours or someone else's.
Check out our facebook page to see our latest video commercial for the show and the link to BrownPaperTickets to get your seats....they are going fast!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Its getting closer.....Circus Bicuspid Back for Seconds

Just a few weeks away and rehearsals are going great. The props are done and the music is set for the show.
Join us on Wednesday March 21st at 7:30 pm at the Producer's Club on 44th street off 8th Avenue NYC.
Its going to be a great evening of comedy, juggling, magic, hooping and fun.
Check out and search events for Circus Bicuspid
Hope to see you there......Keep 'em clean

Monday, February 6, 2012

Brookdale Gets Therapy Dog Visit....

The Samuel Shulman Institute Nursing home and rehab center at Brookdale University Hospital now has a therapy dog program through the Good Dog Foundation. Otto is it! Today he started with his first therapy visit to meet and greet the residents. We spent an hour taking Otto around the room to be petted by everyone and then handed out his adorable trading cards. He had a great day and enjoyed his work uniform, the orange and blue good dog foundation bandanna,  and the attention he got from everyone (including Izzy the house cat, who came out to see who was visiting his space) We are all very excited to have Otto involved in this great project. As time goes by he is going to make regular visits and in the future he may come on clown rounds with us. We were also asked if we can include the nursing home/rehab center in our clown rounds and we have started looking into scheduling that as well.
Also....The show is coming, the show is coming......Circus Bicuspid Back For Seconds is March 21st 7:30pm at the Producer's Club.....get your tickets now at
Keep 'em clean

Saturday, February 4, 2012

What a week.......

Last weekend was the annual clown Jamboree in Mystic CT. It was a little different this year as there was no skit competition or makeup competition (good job Steve Kissel) but there was a star search evening on Friday. So both Phineas and Pupperdoodle performed. He juggled and she hooped and both won prizes for their performances. The best part of the weekend is meeting up with friends that we only see once a year like the always hysterical Brian Dwyer. We got to host a hospitality suite together where we all jammed on our ukeleles....lots of fun. Pupperdoodle presented Kathy "Tots" Mackey with a check for $350 from money she has raised for Camp Sundown as part of her BatMitzvah Chesed project. She is really a special kid. After lots of fun and clowning and a quick drive home we all passed out from exhaustion.
Then it was back to work.....but Friday came and it was time for the monthly SAM meeting. The after meeting show was a session on improv from Scotty Watson and our own Isaac Rodriguez. What a blast! I haven't had a chance to improv like that since my last NY Goofs class. Phineas joined in and we improved some very funny stuff for everyone.
Then tomorrow I'm performing the Dr. Molar Magic Show at the annual Second District Dental Society Dental Health Day. This year its being held at Aviator sports in Brooklyn. It always turns out to be a fun day and the kids who show up get lots of great info on good oral health care and dental care. Then on Monday Otto aka "Four Paw" makes his first Good Dog Foundation visit at Brookdale Hospital's Samuel Shulman Institute.
And.........the rehearsals have begun! Yes we are in full rehearsal mode for our Show on March 21st at The Producers Club...CIRCUS BICUSPID BACK FOR SECONDS. Tickets are available from
Keep 'em clean

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Otto gets ready to start at Brookdale

Well the paper work is done and we are going over the schedules but he is ready. Otto aka "four paw the clown" our dog will be starting to make visits to Brookdale Hospital's Samuel Shulman Institute in Brooklyn with the Good Dog Foundation. He finished his training and has his special bandanna to wear at work. We are very proud of our pooch. We love making clown rounds and now Otto gets to do his own visits.
I'll try to get some photos up when he starts his rounds!

Also....did you buy your tickets? We are going back to Broadway for another show! March 21st at the Producers Club. Check out our commercials on Facebook.

keep 'em clean

Monday, January 2, 2012

PRESS RELEASE: Cirucs Bicuspid Back for Seconds

 After the rave reviews from their show last year, “Circus Bicuspid Almost on Broadway”, Circus Bicuspid is proud to present their all new off-Broadway show, “Circus Bicuspid Back for Seconds” at the Producer’s Club in NYC this March. Written by Bruce, Matthew, and Jessica Lish, this show is perfect for all ages! Come spend the evening with Dr. Molar Magic, Phineas, and Pupperdoodle as they perform comedic and stupid feats of juggling, magic, music, and hula hoops that will leave you laughing all night! 
 Join us on Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 7:30 P.M. for “Circus Bicuspid Back for Seconds” at the Producer’s Club (358 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036) in NYC. Tickets are $25 each and all proceeds go to benefit the Dr. Molar Magic Foundation.
 The Dr. Molar Magic Foundation is the culmination of work begun in 1993. With its formation in January of 2005, we were able to help fund the mission of teaching the importance of good oral healthcare habits and the link between oral health and overall health to kids, adults, and everyone in between using educational programs such as The Dr. Molar Magic Show, the Toothzone Carnival Games and healthcare facility visits. The foundation programs are provided for low or no cost, and all the proceeds from the programs and fund raising go back to the foundation for programs. There are no salaried employees, everyone is a volunteer!
 *FYI: There are no elevators in this small theatre. There are two flights of stairs up to the theatre and restrooms are located on the second floor.*