Sunday, July 14, 2013

Where did June go....?

Wow a month without blogging about all the great stuff we've been doing! Time to catch up with the blogoshpere. June was filled with lots of fun and shows. One Sunday we got to clown out in Brooklyn for the HASC safety fair. We debuted our new parade/ fair/ outdoor event tricycle. Check out these photos,

 Then we had a real treat! The Kelly Miller Circus Came to town....we close enough to drive to in NJ.
We have been looking forward to meeting Steve and Ryan, two of the most incredible, hilarious clowns I've ever watched. They are masters of slapstick and physical comedy. So Phineas and I left early to make sure we got in early to bring free roll (a plate of home baked cookies) to them. We spent a while talking to them and getting some pointers about prop building and gag writing. Then later the Kitchen Goddess and Pupperdoodle along with her best friend joined us to watch the show. It was also Pupperdoodle's Birthday so we went out to eat afterwards....a great day of circus and food, Happy Birthday Pups and thanks Steve and Ryan.

More next post.....keep 'em clean