Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Circus Bicuspid Almost on Broadway WAS A HIT! We sold out all 54 seats in the Crown Theater in the Producer's Club on March 2nd. The show was fun and the audience had a great time. Lots of work getting a show like that together with a group like ours but well worth it. Check out the photos on the main website www.drmolarmagic.com, just look for the link for "Circus Bicuspid Almost on Broadway".
Then just as we finally finish putting all the props away and getting the rehearsal studio (better known as the living room) we had to get the acts together for our participation in the annual Diabetes Research Institute's Carnival for a Cure. Sunday March 13th at the Metropolitan Pavilion. We spent the day juggling and clowning while throwing in some balloon animals on the side. This is always a fun carnival and one of their main fundraisers. Check out the Website for photos from that too.
So what's next you ask? Saturday night March 19th we were asked to perform at our Synagogue's Purim celebration....never a dull moment. We also have regularly scheduled Clown Dr. Visits the next couple of Sundays.
Keep 'em clean....