Thursday, August 2, 2012


Phineas and I flew to Dallas TX to be a part of Guiness and Ringling Brothers history. Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus hosted the Biggest Pie Fight on Earth! The old record was 684 people and we beat it with 714 people having a pie fight for one minute straight. It was to usher in this year's International Clown Week.  (find out more We found out about it online and then found out that it was also to raise funds to support two great clown programs in the Dallas area. One of them was the Funnyatric Clown Care Unit. Three clowns in this group are special to us, Tiffany and Dick Monday, the founders of the NY Goofs (that's where I went to clown school) and Eric Binkowski who was a classmate of mine in year one of clown school. So it was great to see them and help their programs.
We also got to hang around with the clowns from the Fully Charged Show's Clown alley. They even honored us by throwing an extra pie at Phineas to recognize his coming all the way from NY for this event.
We got an interview from a local radio station, and have shown up on a number of Dallas local events web sites.
What a great and fast trip. Arrived in Dallas at 2AM Tuesday morning and got back home at 1AM Thursday. Boy that was a whirlwind tour of Dallas. I want to thank the Ringling Brothers Circus for this event. I know its just another brilliant PR event for them but those of us who were in the pie throwing battle zone had an incredible time.

check out some of these links to the photos online of us and the rest of the event.

Here is the link to a youtube video of the event!

so when life gets tooooo away to the circus and have a pie thrown in your face!!!!

keep 'em clean