Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Big Apple Circus Here we Come! VOTE NOW

Hi everyone....We've been really busy performing and writing new material. Pupperdoodle is working out a new hoop routine with her new coach, Phineas is putting together his latest juggling routine, and I'm putting final touches on our first Grand Illusion!
Phineas and I recently performed for the Parent Assembly of the Society of American Magician's Gravesite restoration committee at the MAGIC SHOP out in Levittown, NY ( and the show helped raise $400. This money will be used to repair and restore the graves of many magicians whose final resting place is right here in NY on Long Island and in northern NJ. Kudos to MI Richie Magic and The Great Throwdini for their effort on this project.
If you follow Phineas and me on Twitter you'll see his certification that he set a world record for juggling clubs while on a pogo stick...very cool stuff.
Now for the big news...Phineas has entered the Contest from the BIG APPLE CIRCUS to be their Young Legend Guest Ringmaster this November at Lincoln Center in NY. Please use the link below to go to their Facebook page and VOTE!
He's gotten more that 200 votes so far and as of this writing he is in the lead but we need your help to win please vote and put the info on your Facebook pages as well.
And lastly, Magic Week is upon us, October 25th-31st! Circus Bicuspid will be performing at the Ronald McDonald House in NYC on Monday evening October 29th and we are excited about it because its one of our favorite shows to do.
Thanks for tuning in.....keep 'em clean