Saturday, November 28, 2009

Clown Rounds in Brooklyn

The clown children and I went on clown rounds yesterday at Brookdale Hospital Medical Center in East New York, Brooklyn....and it was a blast.
The kids we visited were very receptive and in need of some fun.
Activities included a loud birthday dance and song for a 1 year old. The nurses on the unit joined in and the baby's Mom danced with us too.

The rest of the patients enjoyed the juggling, magic, and generalized stupidity Phineas and I provided. The attending Pediatricians and residents were doing "normal" rounds and we took a moment to confer with them on various patients...I love watching the residents try to keep a straight face in front of their attendings. I let them know that holding back laughter or smiles is not healthy, and we would take full responsibility for their laughter!

One of our Board Members donated packs of crayons and pads which we used in out magic patter and left with the kids. The left overs were given to the classroom on the unit for later.
A great day for everyone....

Friday, November 27, 2009

Welcome to Circus Bicuspid Online

Hello friends!
Welcome to the Circus Bicuspid Online World. Once you've visited the Dr. Molar Magic Foundation's website and seen all the great stuff we do, stop here and join any discussion or send us any comments about the posts, Phineas Academy, the website, the pod casts, etc.

I'll try to keep things current or have one of our team members update things....

and again Welcome!

Bruce" Dr. Molar Magic" Lish