Monday, May 23, 2011

School Show Success

We had two great shows at PS26 in Queens today. Circus Bicuspid performed some of our best routines and we added some great magic to go with it. The only last minute change in the program was the the dog act, FourPaw the clown, aka Otto the dog couldn't do his act on stage. He was great during training in our living room but we got him onto the stage for a run through and the poor puppy just froze there. He couldn't handle the new surroundings. So we gave him his special peanut butter treats anyway for trying so hard but he just couldn't get the courage to do his act on a new its back to the drawing board for FourPaw. Maybe he'll make it into the next show.
We did get to add some new circus skill to our performance, hat throwing! Across the aisles over the kids heads, and across the auditorium from me to Phineas' head. The kids got to try it also into a hoop across the aisle. A great show and we, as usual, had a blast....see you at the next show.