Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Busy busy busy....

Well I haven't posted in a few weeks just because we have been very busy with work and performing...its great. This past Sunday I performed the Dr. Molar Magic Show for the  in Brooklyn. Just a few blocks from Coney Island which means.....Nathan's Hot Dogs and Fries for lunch! Score.
The show was a hit, in spite of a few AV issues at the start, and the audience laughed and clapped throughout. Nothing gives me more pleasure when I walk out in front of the audience and a bunch of kids yell, " look its the clown", someday maybe I'll come into my office and all the patients in the waiting room will yell," hey look its the dentist!"....maybe not.

This Sunday we are off the Margaret Tietz Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Queens to perform at their family day, when all the grand kids come to visit. Phineas and I will be juggling, doing walk around magic and will be in charged of general stupidity and Pupperdoodle will have her temporary and glitter tattoo booth set up. It promises to be lots of fun

Phineas and I have enrolled in the NY Downtown Clown's Slapstick DOJO again, so now for the next 5 weeks on Wednesday night we will review how to slap each other silly and fall all over ourselves safely while the audience laughs their heads off......great fun, BYOM (that's bring your own Motrin for us over 40 clowns)

Any for all Magic Fans out there, the Parent Assembly of the Society of American Magician's Annual Salute to Magic Show will be Tuesday night May 21st. If you're interested, check out the website, for ticket and show info. this year they are honoring my friend and Mentor Dr. Vic Sendax as Magician of the Year, I'm really looking forward to the show.

Keep 'em clean.....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hoopin' it up on 14th street

Last night I took Pupperdoodle into the city to go to Groove Hoops. My friend from NY Goofs clown college Stephan runs a weekly drop in class at the 14th Street Y with his performance hoop troupe. She had a blast and learned some cool new moves including a great maneuver where you jump through the hoop as you are spinning it across your body, looks awesome. I'm sure that one gets into her new routines.
Before class we walked around the area which is full of thrift and vintage clothes stores. Phineas found some good costume pieces for some new tings he has been working on.

We've started the fundraising for the annual American Cancer Society's Bark For Life Dog Walk.
Team CIRCUS BICUSPID led by Otto "Four Paw" will walk this year on May 6th at Riverside Park.
We sent out a mass email to start getting donations. We are looking for lots of small donations to show that even small contributions can easily add up. Check out our team page and please consider a small donation.

Keep'em clean